The Work of The Enneagram

It’s time to wrap-up this discussion of the Enneagram. This won’t be the last time I mention it, because it will influence my relationships, my thinking and my writing as I go forward in life, but in a formal introduction here on theMangoTimes this discussion will quiet for now.

As I reach the end of this introduction series, I want to answer some of the natural pushback I’ve received from life long friends and readers. I would boil most of the questions down to the following sentiment: “Why are you spending so much time studying The Enneagram?” A few closer readers have been a bit more bold to indicate it is a waste of my time in contrast to the sufficiency of the Bible to address items of personality.

The short answer is this: Like a lot of things, the Enneagram is just a tool. Like using my blood glucose meter to measure my blood sugar or a chainsaw to help cut up a giant branch that fell on my car last year, the Enneagram is a tool of both discovery and repair.

The longer answer is that more than a personality indicator, the Enneagram has provided some insight to several life changing behaviors and improved my relationship with God, my wife, my friends, my co-workers and my partners in ministry. It has exposed the shadow side of my personality where I struggle with self-deceit, an unhealthy need for affirmation, my insatiable pursuit of goals and most importantly my difficulty I have accessing and then using my feelings on the emotional side of my personality. These were all things I discovered as a direct result of my work with the Enneagram.

Even as I have said this, several of my friends have raised their eyebrows. A phrase like “my work with the Enneagram,” can sound a lot like behavior-based nonsense to some people. If that’s you, hang in there. I hope this post will explain and clarify some things.

It’s Just A Parlor Trick
For many people, hearing about the Enneagram in a non-formal setting can initially be very interesting. At the same time, I’ve heard critics who claim that people influence by the Enneagram, MBTI, or any other personality indicator just listen for what they want to hear. I’ve found this to be the case even more so with the Enneagram because people who are really “into it” are quick to assign numbers to behaviors. I will admit: that is very easy behavior to pick up. Initially, I was so intrigued by what I found in the Enneagram that I began to recognize behaviors in myself that were based on my type. Cocktail party discussion takes over and I found it very easy to share my conclusions with anyone who would listen.

However, if you stop there and merely link your behavior to one of 9 personality types, you’ve only discovered one portion of the Enneagram. It reminds me of my father using the iPhone for phone calls only. It works great, but he’s missing out on a tiny computer in his hand that does so much more. It is the same thing with the Enneagram. Discovering your number is just step one and you are only scratching the surface of self-discovery.

All of my posts written to this point deal with that very issue: self-discovery. I often write that I have discovered or have been exposed to hidden sides of my personality that I prefer not to address (read: shame) and the Enneagram has reveled those sides to me.

However, even self-discovery is not the most important thing or best part of learning how to use this tool. Recognizing self-deceit or that I have a strong disconnect with emotions and feelings has been very important, but what I find more valuable is taking the next step to make the necessary changes to improve. I liken it to patients who come to my dental office, but only want a diagnosis. What good is a diagnosis if you walk out rejecting all advice, medications or therapy to correct the underlying disease?

Likewise, with the Enneagram, discovering my strengths and weaknesses has been great, but making the necessary changes to live a more healthy version of myself has been much more important. Thus the term, “my work with the Enneagram.”

My Work Is Not Your Work
Each of the nine types on the Enneagram carry their own strengths and weaknesses. I won’t list them out here, but I’d remind you to go back to the Know Your Number post and look at the resources I mentioned. As a Type 3, the suggested work was all about slowing down. Below are a few of the current habits I have been developing.

  • Meditation - I have been slowing down my study of God’s Word and the study books that point me to what God says. Sometimes I focus on a verse or even a few words at a time.

  • Contemplation - Kendra and I have begun attending a monthly contemplative worship service at the local Lutheran church in our neighborhood. Aside from Kendra and me it is attended by only a few older retired women into their 80’s. I look forward to it every month.

  • Labyrinth - There is a labyrinth at a local church in my neighborhood that I walk to regularly. Haven’t walked a labyrinth? I won’t detail it here, but if you ever want to join me, let me know.

  • The Daily Office - I desired to incorporate meditation, contemplation, and prayer into my daily routine, but I was haphazard at best. Using The Daily Office, I now look forward to the chance to stop and breathe a few times each day. Yes, it was mechanical and rigid at first, but it is now a treasured part of my day.

  • Spiritual Direction - God literally placed a spiritual director into my life. If I can make it happen, I try to spend one day each month at Quiet Oaks just outside of town. Jill spends time with me, prays over me, challenges me and provides a quiet space for me to dive into my relationship with God

Those are a few things I’ve been doing to work through my own spirituality as it relates to being a THREE on the Enneagram. Your work will be completely different and it should be. If the Enneagram has impacted you and invited you to make changes, I’d love to hear what you have been doing. Also, if you are interested in pursuing the change that comes with self-discovery, let me know.

Quietly making noise,

Andy Fletcher

Andy "Fletch" Fletcher has been married to Kendra for more than 30 years. He is a proud father to 5 sons, 3 daughters, but has added a few more kids by marriage and now a few grandchildren who call him Pops.
During the day he can be found fixing people's teeth, but the rest of the time you can find him smoking a pipe, enjoying a cup of coffee, riding a motorcycle or hanging out with his loyal black lab, Champ.
Enjoy everything you see on theMangoTimes from this Jesus-loving, wife-smooching, dog-walking, pipe-smoking, mountain-hiking positive guy as he quietly makes some noise.

Haiku at Thirty


Reblog - Swallowing Chewing Gum!