Bailey the Cat
In 2020, I changed my party affiliation. You can listen to the podcast here. I dropped that podcast days before the 2020 national election and I realize it was a little sneaky. Go ahead and call it fake news, yet here I am waiting every day for my cat to jump up on my lap when I smoke my pipe or sit on the back porch.
After including three great dogs here on theMangoTimes, I can’t believe that I’m dedicating a page to a cat. Well, not all cats, I just really love Bailey the Cat. He’s the opposite of everything that I have not enjoyed in cats in the past. He enjoys lounging (great quality). He doesn’t rub up against you and I’ve never found him whining loudly. He comes and goes as he likes. He’s a great killer of rats (old neighborhood covered with ivy makes his job pretty easy).
We picked up Bailey during the COVID-19 pandemic from a litter of farm cats. He spent his first few months surrounded by our family sheltering-in-place. Before she died, Rasta the Chocolate Lab did a great job training Bailey to act like a dog. Bailey continues to hone those skills alongside Champ the Black Lab.
Now Bailey finds any empty lap that will host him. He’s not offended by pipe smoke and if you aren’t careful you will confuse him for a dog. Best cat ever.