The Good Ol' Days - Shasta Cola

This may strictly be a West-Coast phenomenon, but when it came to drinking soda pop, Shasta Soda was at the top of the heap back in the 1970's.  In our home, this was a staple beverage for every summertime gathering.  It must have been because it was so cheap, but we drank this stuff like water.

My personal favorite was Shasta Cream soda, but close runners up include Shasta Black Cherry and Shasta Strawberry.  I don't think I attended a pool party back in the 70's that didn't include a couple cases of Shasta soda floating on ice.  And the best part was the pull tab that we used as mock wedding rings and necklaces (by the way, this worked it's way into a "parental myth" because my folks would tell us not to put the tab into the can for fear that we'd swallow it and "rip open our stomachs" like that kid from Iowa did).

Quietly making noise,
Andy Fletcher

Andy "Fletch" Fletcher has been married to Kendra for more than 30 years. He is a proud father to 5 sons, 3 daughters, but has added a few more kids by marriage and now a few grandchildren who call him Pops.
During the day he can be found fixing people's teeth, but the rest of the time you can find him smoking a pipe, enjoying a cup of coffee, riding a motorcycle or hanging out with his loyal black lab, Champ.
Enjoy everything you see on theMangoTimes from this Jesus-loving, wife-smooching, dog-walking, pipe-smoking, mountain-hiking positive guy as he quietly makes some noise.

Avast Ye Mateys!


The Doll Incident