"You Already Have an A!"
Over the years, I have spoken often about the gospel and I am always excited when I hear someone communicate the good news in a new way. Same gospel, different delivery. In line with that, I have been really enjoying The Resurgence for quite a while and love their focus on recovering the gospel and recommunicating that the gospel is not just a message of salvation for the unbeliever, but a continual message of freedom for the believer.
Several weeks ago, The Resurgence posted an audio and video recording of Tullian Tchividjian from the "Our Fathers and Our Future" conference called "Evangelical, Missional, and Christ-Centered. The entire message is worth the hour it will take for you to look or listen to it. Seriously, it is rich with reminders of where we as Christians find our life. Here's a clip from the very end of Tchividjian's talk that recommunicates what the gospel message says.
Quietly making noise,