Just give me a new law...
Derek Webb has a song called "A New Law" that I've enjoyed over the years. It has been buried in my playlist and I discovered it again this past month. One of the lines in the song is: "What’s the use in trading a law you can never keep, for one that cannot get you anything?" This perfectly describes many of my thoughts for the past year and my desire to return again and again to the Gospel.
In Ephesians, Paul says we have been chosen to be "holy and blameless." We spend way more time worried about how to be blameless and way too little time working on what it means to be holy. Sermons abound on what to do or how to live. I cannot say it enough: "It's not what you do...it's what's been done for you."
Enough of my rant...enjoy the song!
Quietly making noise,
In Ephesians, Paul says we have been chosen to be "holy and blameless." We spend way more time worried about how to be blameless and way too little time working on what it means to be holy. Sermons abound on what to do or how to live. I cannot say it enough: "It's not what you do...it's what's been done for you."
Enough of my rant...enjoy the song!
A New Law, by Derek Webb - Lyrics
Don’t teach me about politics and government - Just tell me who to vote for
Don’t teach me about truth and beauty - Just label my music
Don’t teach me how to live like a free man - Just give me a new law
I don’t wanna know if the answers aren’t easy
So just bring it down from the mountain to me
I want a new law
I want a new law
Gimme that new law
Don’t teach me about moderation and liberty - I prefer a shot of grape juice
Don’t teach me about loving my enemies
Don’t teach me how to listen to the Spirit - Just give me a new law
What’s the use in trading a law you can never keep - For one you can that cannot get you anything
Do not be afraid
Do not be afraid
Do not be afraid
Quietly making noise,