On my iPod - Artists Beginning with "F"

Flatt and Scruggs - The Ballad of Jed Clampett - I have a hard time getting past my childhood crush on Ellie May, but good ol' banjo pickin' is good in any library.

Frank Sinatra - Young at Heart - Some can't stand Frankie, but old blue eyes had a set of pipes and there is something about his Vegas/Mafia connections that I find intriguing.

Flip Phillips - A Smooth One - great jazz song and favorite of theMangoTimes.

Quietly making noise,
Andy Fletcher

Andy "Fletch" Fletcher has been married to Kendra for more than 30 years. He is a proud father to 5 sons, 3 daughters, but has added a few more kids by marriage and now a few grandchildren who call him Pops.
During the day he can be found fixing people's teeth, but the rest of the time you can find him smoking a pipe, enjoying a cup of coffee, riding a motorcycle or hanging out with his loyal black lab, Champ.
Enjoy everything you see on theMangoTimes from this Jesus-loving, wife-smooching, dog-walking, pipe-smoking, mountain-hiking positive guy as he quietly makes some noise.


On my iPod - Artists Beginning with "H"


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